Contact Us:


201 W. Lincoln Street, Tullahoma TN 37388

PO Box 1295 Tullahoma TN 37388

Welcome to Highland Rim Habitat for Humanity
We joyfully serve alongside community members and businesses to build decent and affordable homes for eligible families in Franklin and Coffee counties.
Highland Rim Habitat for Humanity's vision is to put God's love in action by partnering with others to promote hope and community by building affordable homes for those in need.
Highland Rim Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit, non-discriminatory, faith-based organization that attempts to build lives by building homes. We were founded in 1990, and our local branch became an official affiliate of the global Habitat for Humanity in 1992. The Highland Rim Habitat for Humanity Branch has built more than 30 homes for families in Coffee and Franklin counties since it was founded. Click Here for the historical timeline of activities and accomplishments of our local organization.
Please feel free to email or contact us at our office if you have additional questions regarding Highland Rim Habitat for Humanity.

"Highland Rim Habitat for Humanity Planting Deep, Wide, Roots in our Community
One Home at a Time"
Habitat for Humanity is a global non-profit, non-discriminatory, and faith-based organization that was founded in 1976 in Americus, Georgia by Millard and Linda Fuller. Habitat for Humanity has built homes all over the United States and world for families in need of decent, affordable housing. Highland Rim Habitat for Humanity is one of over 2300 Habitat for Humanity affiliates worldwide.
Please click here for the incredible story of the Founders of Habitat for Humanity.
Highland Rim Habitat for Humanity meets at 6 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month, in the Henry Center located at
201 W. Lincoln Street, Tullahoma TN 37388. Our meetings are open to the community. Join us any time.